We know the stresses that arise when someone you know makes an allegation of controlling and coercive behaviour against you

The assertion that you have been controlling towards another person can be a deeply hurtful one, especially if this person is an ex-partner or loved one.

But an investigation or charge is not the end. Getting advice and representation from the right people can make all the difference in your case and ensure that the best outcome is achieved.

Recent success stories

Assault and Criminal Damage - No Further Action

No further action - police dropped investigation

Client Accused of Domestic Abuse – No Further Action

No further action - police dropped investigation

Controlling and Coercive Behaviour allegations affect your whole life

Many people who are accused of controlling and coercive behaviour are already experiencing problems with a breakdown in a relationship. The idea of having to battle a criminal case along with other personal problems can seem daunting and makes reaching out for help even more difficult.

In some cases the police impose strict bail conditions, and this can mean people cannot contact their families or even their children, cutting them off from those that they care about.

The involvement of the police or sometimes social services only makes these issues worse as people may be forced to move out of their homes and hand over their personal belongings.

Isolation and lack of experience makes these cases stressful

People accused can feel isolated and even blindsided by someone that they once had a close relationship with. Facing an investigation or court case can make them feel as though they are lost and don't know where to turn.

It can often seem as if the police are taking evidence out of context, making the person feel as though they are being portrayed as a vindictive ex-partner or abuser, when this is in fact not the case.

Many people who face these allegations have never been involved with the police before. Officers and sometimes even lawyers can seem unsympathetic or judgemental.

The law in this area is relatively new and it can often be difficult for someone to understand how to fight the case and put their side of the story across.

Having the right team could be the difference in your case

An allegation is not the end even if it sometimes feels like it. Just picking up the phone and talking to an expert can help you take the first step in fighting your case.

A top coercive and controlling behaviour solicitor will start by listening to you to find out what was actually happening in the relationship so they can begin to build a more accurate picture. Then they can build a case to persuade police, prosecutors or the jury that it is wrong to pursue you.

Having the right team behind you can help clear your name, but will also allow you to focus on your case as opposed to the other issues that arise as a result of an allegation like this, relieving some of stress that comes with the breakdown in a relationship.

Our top solicitors have the tools to win so you can return to normal

As soon as you contact our firm, you will be put in touch with one of our specialist controlling and coercive behaviour lawyers. We listen to what you have to say, with no judgement, so that we can see things from your point of view and understand what is needed from the very beginning.

How do we do it? We provide a full analysis of the true relationship as it was, in order to create a complete character profile of the complainant. We negotiate hard on your behalf to get the case dropped or, if it's already at court, we prepare to win it. We instruct top specialist barristers to act on your behalf and thoroughouly prepare the case so the possibility of surprises is close to zero.

What should I do now and what should I avoid?

Call our expert controlling and coercive specialist solicitors. The right advice can make all the difference and we are always available to help guide you through the process.

See your GP or Therapist if you think you need additional support. Talking confidentially to your GP or a therapist can provide further support with the breakdown in your relationship and any mental health problems you may be having as a result.

Do not contact the police yourself. Always make sure that any communication goes through your lawyers.

Do not contact the other party or post anything on social media

No-tricks fixed-fee pricing

We can usually offer a fixed fee instalment plan so you can plan for the expense, and so you can fund your case in stages while it is continuing.

Private representation

Once we have an idea of what kind of case you are facing and what work that will be necessary, we will then be able to provide you with a fixed fee quote. This means that you know before you commit how much your case will cost.

Representation at interview or court hearings
Analysing the evidence & investigating
Conferences with your lawyers
Negotiating with police or prosecutors

Fixed fee from



Get a free case review

Frequently asked questions

If your phone has been seized by the police, it will likely remain with them until the conclusion of the investigation/case. If the device contains evidential material and you are convicted of an offence, it will likely be destroyed once the case has finished. If you are acquitted, your device will be returned to you.

An arrest will not usually show up on a basic or standard DBS check as these are usually limited to information concerning convictions, cautions or reprimands.

However, an enhanced, or enhanced with barred lists, DBS check may also show 'any other information held'. This may include details of times a person has been arrested, even if no charges were brought.

As long as there is nothing in your bail conditons which stops you from leaving the country, you should be able to travel abroad. However, always speak with your lawyers beforehand to check.

An illustration of a man, who is leaning with his back on a huge blue question mark
An illustraion of a man leaning on a big blue phone, a big envelop for background, paper plane flying in the sky

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0161 794 0088

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Monday - Thursday: 9:00 - 17:30

Friday: 9:00 - 17:00

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We'll get back to you as soon as possible. We are happy to speak to you if you have a query, and either have a free consultation on the phone or in person if necessary.