Data Protection is a growing and unexplored area of law that many everyday lawyers simply don't understand. We're focused on ensuring that you don't feel left behind in your case, and on making sure that our legal knowledge is put into practice on your behalf.

We treat our clients with compassion and sensitivity, and use our expertise to defend them in these cases, which can often be extremely technical.

Recent success stories

Cambridge Analytica/Facebook Case - No Charges

Investigation discontinued with no further action

Buckingham Palace Bribery & Corruption Case - Acquitted

Not guilty verdict - client exonerated

This type of allegation can affect your entire life

Being accused of being responsible for a Data Protection breach, no matter how small, can have significant effects on both your personal and professional life, affecting your confidence in working with electronic devices for fear that you may be committing another potential offence.

The police may even begin by raiding your home and/or workplace to seize anything electronic. In a world that is so heavily reliant on technology, this can leave you feeling isolated in an already confusing situation.

Often, an investigation by bodies such as the National Crime Agency (NCA) and Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) take several months, and can come with a heavy hand. Prosecuting authorities often assume everyone is guilty and view these cases through a narrow lens.

The law in this area is new and can be difficult to understand

Many people, including police and even lawyers, are unfamiliar with the laws and regulations surrounding Data Protection, what constitutes a potential breach and how to defend against them. If you don’t have a specialist on board to prepare your case, you may feel lost and like the evidence is stacked against you, but it doesn’t need to be like that.

Most people won't have retained a Data Protection lawyer in advance, and so having the police wade in to seize your devices and leave you in limbo for several months will feel like a shock as well as a violation. You may feel like everything has come to a standstill and that you can't move forward. You may have been told not to use certain devices or websites and that you must hand over personal information to an authority dedicated to proving you've done something illegal.

Having the right team on board is crucial

It is important to find a lawyer who is familiar with and has the appropriate links to specialists in the field. This allows you and your legal team to build your defence at the earliest stage of a case, even if you are only under investigation.

Additionally, if the case proceeds to court, expert barristers can be instructed to advocate on your behalf and assist in putting your side of the story across to a jury. If the case is prepared thoroughly and the right barrister is instructed, this could be the difference between a conviction and an acquittal.

Our experts lawyers will ensure that your case is a priority

As specialist Data Protection lawyers, we can identify any issues at an early stage and set out what needs to be done. We do not wait for the prosecution. We are dedicated to analysing and challenging their evidence and regularly instruct the best computer experts to carry out their own objective forensic analysis.

We will ensure that the law is explained to you in a way you understand, without the need for legal jargon that often accompanies cases of this nature.

For example, we represented the COO of the data company Cambridge Analytica. He was investigated in relation to data obtained from Facebook which supposedly influenced the 2016 US presidential elections. We protected our client from cooperating until he was given assurances he would be treated as a witness and not a suspect.

We will instruct a barrister who specialises in Data Protection law and who will work closely with us and any experts. The result is a hand-picked specialist defence team fighting your corner.

What are the next steps and what do you need to do?

  • Get a specialist Data Protection solicitor on your side. These cases are not general criminal law. You need someone experienced helping you.

  • Call us and speak to one of our data protection solicitors with no-obligation. We can advise you on your options so you know what steps you need to take.

  • If you're feeling stressed or suffering from anxiety, see your GP. You don't need to tell them all the details, just that you have a legal problem.

  • Don't make the mistake of thinking that you don't need a lawyer, or that it will make you look guilty if you have one. Most people who care about what happens in their case choose to have a lawyer.

  • Don't discuss the case with the police, except through your lawyers.

  • Don't suffer alone. Confide in a trusted friend or family member so you have someone to talk to.

No-tricks fixed-fee pricing

We can usually offer a fixed fee instalment plan so you can plan for the expense, and so you can fund your case in stages while it is continuing.

Private representation

Once we have an idea of what kind of case you are facing and what work that will be necessary, we will then be able to provide you with a fixed fee quote. This means that you know before you commit how much your case will cost.

Representation at interview or court hearings
Analysing the evidence & investigating
Conferences with your lawyers
Negotiating with police or prosecutors

Fixed fee from



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Frequently asked questions

Trying to assist the police as much as possible, by cooperating as much as you can and hoping they go away, is nearly always a bad idea. The police and investigators have no duty to be open and frank about the evidence against you and they will not usually reveal this until much later. They may hope that you come to them with a full account to help their case, but it's important to remember that they do not open an investigation until they have already formed a view that you may be guilty. This means that their goal is often already for you to be convicted and sentenced, not just to find out what has happened. Trying to help them, or refusing your right to a lawyer, doesn't speed things up, and generally puts you at greater risk.

An arrest will not usually show up on a basic or standard DBS check as these are usually limited to information concerning convictions, cautions or reprimands.

However, an enhanced, or enhanced with barred lists, DBS check may also show 'any other information held'. This may include details of times a person has been arrested, even if no charges were brought.

If your phone has been seized by the police, it will likely remain with them until the conclusion of the investigation/case. If the device contains evidential material and you are convicted of an offence, it will likely be destroyed once the case has finished. If you are acquitted, your device will be returned to you.

An illustration of a man, who is leaning with his back on a huge blue question mark
An illustraion of a man leaning on a big blue phone, a big envelop for background, paper plane flying in the sky

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0161 794 0088

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Monday - Thursday: 9:00 - 17:30

Friday: 9:00 - 17:00

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We'll get back to you as soon as possible. We are happy to speak to you if you have a query, and either have a free consultation on the phone or in person if necessary.