Under Investigation for Failure to Prevent Tax Evasion? Protect Your Business and Reputation with Expert Legal Guidance.

An investigation into failure to prevent tax evasion is a serious matter for any business.

With new legislation making these investigation new territory for most, companies and their associates are often left in the dark. Operations are turned upside and it is often one or two people tasked with defending the company and its reputation.

Knowing what is at stake, you cannot afford not to instruct a tax evasion lawyer.

Recent success stories

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HMRC Investigations cause panic and risk to reputation

Being unfairly dragged into a failure to prevent tax evasion investigation risks reputation damage from the outset. Without any involvement in the offence itself, you are left having to defend a company that is being treated like a criminal.

As HMRC intrudes on daily operations, panic and anxiety begins to settle in with uncertainty growing throughout the organisation. You may find yourself caught up in the eye of the storm with no idea as to how you got there in the first place.

When it feels as though the HMRC have already decided your fate, remember that the company will come back from this.

You don't need to know to be under the spotlight

On the day that HMRC show up at the front desk, you may feel blindsided. Out of nowhere, a company can be investigated for a crime it had no knowledge of. With no choice but to let HMRC into the finest details of day-to-day operations, you will feel unjustifiably invaded.

The law casts a wide net and strict regulations. This makes it easier for HMRC to investigate companies. As a result, an increasing number are being put under the microscope without understanding why.

The impact of these investigations does not discriminate between good companies and bad companies. Those at the top have to fight to protect the company's reputation. Its employees be be worried about the impact on their livelihoods. Clients may even begin to question who they have placed their trust. The domino effect can be extensive, and often leaves those affected in a state of panic.

You don't have to have to be a scapegoat

While it may feel the full force of HMRC is against you, there are expert lawyers out there who can help. A defence strategy tailored to your case can and will be made.

At a time when it feels as though it is guilty until proven innocent, specialist lawyers have the tools to prove that your company should be cleared. With the success of the HMRC investigation relying on inadequate procedures being in place, solicitors with the right expertise know how to evidence the exact opposite.

As the defence is prepared, growing anxieties can begin to settle. Employees and clients will soon start to see that the company is in safe hands of its management, and you will know you are supported properly in the legal investigation.

Our tax evasion lawyers know how to help

Our team understands the complexities of the law and processes involved in HMRC investigations. We will take the time to listen to you and explain the process so you feel empowered and able to tackle HMRC alongside us.

We know that by the time you call us, you will have already suffered emotionally and possibly financially. Time may well be precious and we won’t add to that delay. Our team has half a century of dealing with tax related criminal cases. We work swiftly assemble a team of specialist tax evasion solicitors on your behalf. We also instruct top barristers and specialist tax advisors.

If you have been trying to fight the HMRC alone this far, this may have been a burden and distraction. When you have us handling the situation, you and your company will be able to be confident that your defence is in safe hands. You will also know that every effort is being made to protect your reputation and your future.

Do Not Delay in Obtaining Specialist Legal Advice

  • Do call us early. Contact our specialist criminal defence solicitors as soon as possible.

  • Don't speak with the police or investigating body without a lawyer present.

  • Don't fight this alone. This area of law is complex and the scope of liability is wide. To ensure the correct outcome, you need to have specialist tax evasion lawyers by your side.

  • Do advise any colleagues who could be investigated also speak to us. We can either assist them ourselves or refer them to specialist colleagues.

  • Keep communication discreet. Avoid discussing your case with anyone outside of your legal team or support network.

  • Gather supporting documents. Being proactive and evidencing the steps you put in place to prevent tax evasion will allow you to be several steps ahead of the investigators.

No-tricks fixed-fee pricing

We can usually offer a fixed fee instalment plan so you can plan for the expense, and so you can fund your case in stages while it is continuing.

Private representation

Once we have an idea of what kind of case you are facing and what work that will be necessary, we will then be able to provide you with a fixed fee quote. This means that you know before you commit how much your case will cost.

Representation at interview or court hearings
Analysing the evidence & investigating
Conferences with your lawyers
Negotiating with police or prosecutors

Fixed fee from



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Frequently asked questions

Investigations into failure to prevent tax evasion often take at least a year to investigate, with some lasting considerably longer. Enquiries often require investigators to access company records, company policies and bank accounts. To optimise their chances, copious amounts of devices are often seized. Due to an ever-growing back log with digital forensics, many investigations are held hostage to the delay.

All of these factors make these investigations complicated and therefore time consuming. Should the investigation result in you being charged, it can take months, and in some cases years, before the case is finished.

While it may seem that co-operating as much as possible will make the investigation go away, this is far from the reality. There is no duty for the investigators to be open and frank about the evidence against you. As a result, you are often in the dark about the alleged case. By the time you first meet with the investigators, they are already looking for ways to secure your conviction. So, providing significant unfiltered details, or refusing your right to a lawyer, will not speed up the process. Instead, it will generally put you at greater risk.

Due to the wide scope of liability that this area of law creates, it is not uncommon for several associated bodies to be investigated. As there is no need to have knowledge of the tax evasion, several people within a company can be at risk. If you are concerned that someone you know and work with is going to be in this position, they need specialist legal advice from our specialist lawyers.

If a company is prosecuted and found guilty of failure to prevent tax evasion, it can be ordered to pay to an unlimited fine. On top of this, ancillary orders including confiscation orders or serious crime prevention orders can be issued. In addition, the company would undoubtably face severe reputational damage leading to risk of potential future losses. The consequences far outreach the punishments that can be issued by the courts. That is why it is vital to speak with our specialist tax evasion lawyers.

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An illustraion of a man leaning on a big blue phone, a big envelop for background, paper plane flying in the sky

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