Our Client Accused of Rape - Police Drop Case

No further action - police dropped investigation


Profile picture place holder of Mary Monson Solicitors employee
Freya Copeland

Date posted: 30 Jun 2023



Police Station

Our lawyers have a 72% win rate

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Profile image of Mary Monson Solicitors criminal lawyer Emma Swindell

Emma Swindell

Legal team
Profile image of Mary Monson Solicitors criminal lawyer Emma Swindell

Emma Swindell

Case start date

26 Jun 2023



Case study summary

Our client was accused of rape by his former partner following a birthday party with friends. The police made the decision to conclude the investigation of the case after our expert lawyer represented the client at his interview.

Case study

Our client was arrested and interviewed under caution at the police station for an alleged rape on his former partner. Our client was young and in a relationship with this person at the time these incidents were said to have occurred. Our client was extremely nervous and overwhelmed by the situation and required our advice. He had no previous convictions nor any previous interaction with the police.

After taking instructions from our client it was decided by one of our expert criminal defence lawyers that it was in the best interest for our client to provide a prepared statement in interview.

This prepared statement was written by our defence lawyer detailing the events of the alleged incident. This was a case of young friends under the legal age to consume alcohol celebrating a sixteenth birthday party. The complainant made allegations of sexual penetration, however this was wholly denied in the statement by our client. Our client remained shocked and concerned about his reputation and family throughout the process as well as the fear of the case escalating to court.

Having heard our representations during the interview, the police closed the case and no further action was taken.

Profile picture place holder of Mary Monson Solicitors employee

Freya Copeland


An illustraion of a man leaning on a big blue phone, a big envelop for background, paper plane flying in the sky

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