We aim to stop conspiracy to defraud cases without them reaching trial

The police and prosecution have to prove that you planned to commit fraud. If they can’t, the law says you're not guilty.

Our conspiracy to defraud solicitors know the law better and investigate the facts more thoroughly to find out what was really going on. This means we get charges dropped and we win cases.

You don't have to despair if you face a conspiracy to defraud case. Get the right support and the right legal team and you can get through it.

Recent success stories

Cambridge Analytica/Facebook Case - No Charges

Investigation discontinued with no further action

Buckingham Palace Bribery & Corruption Case - Acquitted

Not guilty verdict - client exonerated

Being accused of conspiracy to defraud is shocking and scary

Facing a fraud conspiracy case can be immediately terrifying. They are big investigations and big court cases. Shock is often the first reaction, followed by fear.

These cases often involve large amounts of money and people feel worried about the possibility of prison and damage to their career or reputation. Often the worry is about family members who may be affected.

The whole thing can be daunting. Fraud seems complex and even the word 'conspiracy' sounds scary. Most people have never thought they might one day be interviewed or appear in court for a fraud offence. To make it worse, conspiracy (or planning with other people to commit fraud) is among the most serious of fraud offences.

Lack of experience makes these cases even harder to deal with. If you haven't been there before, you're less likely to know what steps to take. The unknown can make a tough situation seem unmanageable.

The process works against suspects - even if they're innocent

All of this is made worse because you can end up in a fraud conspiracy case just by knowing other people. This feels like being punished for friendships or work relationships, which is of course unfair. Sometimes even family members are investigated. This can cause huge undue stress.

Prosecutors often wrongly assume that anyone near to an organisation must have known and taken part in any criminal behaviour going on. They sometimes assume that if a person signed documents or seen emails then they must be guilty. This is plain wrong, but it can mean that innocent people end up in court.

People are sometimes accused of conspiracy to defraud after years of professional service. It can seem very harsh for investigators to attack a reputation so casually.

These cases involve masses of evidence, the law is complex, and sentences can be long. Without help from specialist conspiracy to defraud lawyers this can all make the situation seem overwhelming.

Don't despair - There are ways to overcome the problem

A conspiracy to defraud investigation doesn't need to ruin your life. There is a way through.

Having the right fraud lawyers who are experienced in conspiracy cases can get things moving in a better direction. You'll feel more confident and less helpless against the police or prosecution.

The first thing a good legal team will do is explain to you what's going on, and what you should expect. Your questions being answered is an important step to dealing with the problem. Lawyers will listen to you to understand your place in all this. They will find out what you need to happen so that they can put together the right strategy to reach that.

Properly skilled conspiracy to defraud lawyers will demand all the available evidence from the other side so you know what you're dealing with. Then steps can begin to fight back.

Our financial crime experts know how to defend these cases

When you choose the expert conspiracy to defraud solicitors of Mary Monson Solicitors to defend you, you tap into all of our experience in the most significant conspiracy to defraud cases of modern times, including Unaoil, the Serious Fraud Office's highest ever value case, and Patisserie Valerie, the largest alleged conspiracy to defraud investors in UK history.

You also get access to our proven methods of getting results:

To start, we get all available evidence from you and elsewhere to understand the case fully. Then we go to work without compromise to make the problem go away.

You will see aggressive and intelligent negotiation and pressure on your behalf when we deal with investigators and prosecutors. Any opportunity to stop the case from reaching trial is exploited in your favour.

We put together a top team of conspiracy to defraud solicitors, barristers and forensic accountants so your case is perfectly prepared for court. We don't give up until we get the result.

Do's and don'ts - what you can do right now to improve things

  • Call us and speak to one of our lawyers specialising in fraud conspiracy cases. We will happily speak to you on a no-obligation basis, answer your questions, and try to help if we can.

  • Don't give up hope. Being investigated or even being charged isn't the same as being convicted.

  • Don't assume that the duty or local solicitor has the experience and skill to represent you for conspiracy to defraud, and do research. These cases aren't general criminal law and require a specialist.

  • Don't try to transfer property or assets to protect them. It doesn't work and it is against the law.

  • Keep all your emails and text messages, and business records and organise them. They could be useful in your defence.

  • Don't communicate about the case with other suspects or potential suspects, especially in any kind of written message.

  • Don't underestimate the work you will have to do to defend yourself. Your chances will be better if you face the problem and put the hours in with your lawyers.

No-tricks fixed-fee pricing

We can usually offer a fixed fee instalment plan so you can plan for the expense, and so you can fund your case in stages while it is continuing.

Private representation

Once we have an idea of what kind of case you are facing and what work that will be necessary, we will then be able to provide you with a fixed fee quote. This means that you know before you commit how much your case will cost.

Representation at interview or court hearings
Analysing the evidence & investigating
Conferences with your lawyers
Negotiating with police or prosecutors

Fixed fee from



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Frequently asked questions

Fraud cases are notoriously slow to reach their end. Investigations usually take between one and three years. If a person is charged the case will usually take around a year or more to reach trial. Trials for conspiracy to defraud usually last between one and four months, depending on the complexity of the case and the number of defendants.

In order to prove a person's guilt in a conspiracy to defraud case, the prosecution has to prove that you knew that an offence was happening, that you knew it was dishonest and that you helped in some way. If you didn't know, it's not guilty. If you didn't know, it's not guilty. Naivety is not the same as being guilty. If you didn't know then you should not be convicted.

Fraud investigators, whether they are from the police, SFO, NCA or HMRC, are often cynical about any explanation a suspect may give, even when it might seem obvious that person wasn't involved. It is one aspect of how the system works. If the investigators take the view you're guilty and won't change their minds, it is worthwhile remembering that it is the jury who have the final say.

To be guilty of a conspiracy a person must be proven to have been part of a plan to commit an offence with at least one other person. They do not need to know the people they were in the plan with, although this is of course hard to imagine. They could be charged alongside people they didn't know who are alleged to have been a different part of the plan to commit offences. The person he or she is alleged to have been in a plan with could be another defendant or a suspect who has not been charged in the case. Sometimes people will be charged as having been in a conspiracy with 'persons unknown'.

It is hard to tell if a person will be charged. Charged means a prosecutor has decided to bring the case to court for a criminal trial. The prosecutor can bring the case on the basis that he or she thinks that there is a 'reasonable prospect of conviction'. But this is quite subjective. Even if a person is charged, the defence can challenge the case before it reaches trial if there is insufficient evidence to convict, or no evidence and a judge will decide. This is a challenging argument because the evidence has to be very weak (or non-existent) for the judge to agree to stop the case without it reaching trial.

The maximum sentence for conspiracy defraud is 10 years imprisonment, but such long sentences are rare. The range of typical sentences is from non-custodial so-called suspended sentences to sentences in the mid to high single figures of years. A court will take into account certain things when deciding on sentence. These include:

  • Did the person plead guilty or were they convicted after a trial where they denied it?

  • Does the person have previous convictions?

  • What level of financial gain or loss or loss or others was involved?

  • What is the person's alleged role, i.e. junior or senior?

  • What level of planning and sophistication was involved?

  • Were there vulnerable victims?

The guidelines for fraud sentencing are found here.

For more detailed explanations on sentencing we recommend not relying on these explanations, and instead taking advice specific to your case from a properly qualified conspiracy to defraud solicitor or barrister.

You cannot usually lose your assets by confiscation under the Proceeds of Crime Act unless you have been convicted first. Assets can be frozen, however, until the end of the case, and this often happens without the person being notified first. If the person is convicted and has assets, it is often the case that some of those assets will be forfeited. There are some caveats, though. If you hold assets equally with someone else and can prove origin of the other half of the assets, that portion of the asset will likely be protected. If you are convicted on the basis of a certain level of benefit as a result of the offence or offences, it is unlikely that a greater amount than that benefit level will be forfeited. In circumstances where you can prove the origin of funds and assets in your name going back a period of six years, it will be harder for the prosecution to succeed in a large Proceeds of Crime claim.

An illustration of a man, who is leaning with his back on a huge blue question mark
An illustraion of a man leaning on a big blue phone, a big envelop for background, paper plane flying in the sky

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