Cyber Crime & Internet Crime specialist lawyers can make the difference in a case

Computer related criminal cases can seem scary, and everyday lawyers don't always know how to approach them. We have the expertise needed to win these cases. Our experience ranges from low level cases involving images or social media all the way to serious frauds and even the Facebook/Cambridge Analytica data case. We are recognised experts in cyber crime law.

We treat our clients with sensitivity, and we use our knowledge and skill to strongly defend them in these complex cases.

Recent success stories

Murder linked to Mark Duggan's Death - Not Guilty

Not guilty verdict - client exonerated

Hookway 'Bail Crisis' Case - Dropped by Home Office

No further action - police dropped investigation

Cyber crime allegations are scary - they can be technical and delicate

Being accused of a cyber crime offence is terrifying. Most people accused of an internet crime offence haven't been in trouble before, and this can make it seem even more scary. They may not have even heard of the Computer Misuse Act.

People often don't realise the reality of the situation until police arrive and things escalate. In some cases, the suspect may even be a young person, and therefore more vulnerable in the justice system.

These offences are prosecuted under rarely used laws on computer crime. This means that criminal lawyers aren't usually experts in the area.

If someone is accused of hacking (also called unauthorised access or computer misuse) he or she can end up being investigated even if there was never any intention to cause damage to a computer or to steal from anyone.

Social media allegations are often also treated criminally, in spite of a person's right to freedom of speech.

Police are heavy handed, then comes the waiting and the not knowing

A criminal investigation for a cyber crime offence can bring chaos to a home.

Police often start with a morning raid. They may arrest the suspect and search the house, seizing electronic devices from several family members. This can feel like a violation.

Cases are often investigated by officers who behave in an overzealous way. This seems to happen more often if the alleged victim is a major company or institution.

Trying to figure out what's going to happen isn't easy because there is often a long wait until all the evidence is available. There's also a wide range of sentences that a court can hand down if a person is convicted so it's not always easy to know the worst-case scenario. They may not even know how to find a Computer Misuse Act specialist lawyer.

In cyber crime cases, there can sometimes be an undiagnosed mental health issue which the police should take into account. In hacking cases, autism is often a factor. Lawyers are often not proactive in considering mental health.

A lawyer's expertise can stop you feeling overwhelmed

A cyber crime investigation doesn't have to be an overwhelming mess of questions with no obvious answer. Solicitors specialising in the Computer Misuse Act are available.

The lawyer should know how to steady the ship, deal with police officers, and plan a defence so you have the best chance of avoiding conviction or prison.

The feeling of frustration caused by not knowing what's going to happen will reduce, because your solicitors will be able to map it out for you.

A cyber crime solicitor will know the relevant law, whatever the type of case, for example a hacking case, prohibited images case, fraud, or even social media or DDOS/DOX offences.

They will have on hand specialist forensic experts to analyse the evidence and specialist lawyers with the knowledge to advise you on a strategy, carry it out, and help you get a positive outcome.

From the word go, they will be firm with police so that your rights are protected and you aren't railroaded into simply accepting what they want.

Our team is here to help you get this sorted

Our team of specialist cyber crime lawyers have the experience and skill needed to navigate these cases.

Our track record is exceptional. We have defended some of the biggest cyber crime cases in history, including representing an employee-turned-whistleblower in the Facebook/Cambridge Analytica scandal. Our director Joseph Kotrie-Monson is the editor of the textbook Cyber Crime: Law & Practice.

From the first meeting, it will be clear that you're in safe hands. You get treated as an individual as we quickly get to grips with your case. We look at the evidence, and request anything extra that we need. We open lines of communication with investigators to see their attitude to the case and whether it can be dropped.

Our specialist cyber crime barristers and forensic experts are among the best in the world, including experts in cyber security and coding. We consider it all - technical aspects, your account, any defences. Prosecutors soon see that they're in for a fight if they proceed.

Things you can do to improve things, starting now.

  • Don't despair. There is very little that can't be improved if you are proactive and get the right advice and support.

  • Don't say anything to the police about the allegation without a lawyer present. These are technical cases and the best advice is usually 'no comment'

  • Do call us and speak to one of our expert internet & cyber crime lawyers. We don't charge for an initial consultation.

  • Don't discuss the case with friends or colleagues who you do not absolutely trust. They could be forced to give evidence against you.

  • Don't send any emails or messages to anyone about the case except your lawyers. 'Private' messages aren't private or confidential.

  • Don't destroy or delete data or messages. It looks suspicious even if you have done nothing wrong, and it could be a criminal offence.

No-tricks fixed-fee pricing

We can usually offer a fixed fee instalment plan so you can plan for the expense, and so you can fund your case in stages while it is continuing.

Private representation

Once we have an idea of what kind of case you are facing and what work that will be necessary, we will then be able to provide you with a fixed fee quote. This means that you know before you commit how much your case will cost.

Representation at interview or court hearings
Analysing the evidence & investigating
Conferences with your lawyers
Negotiating with police or prosecutors

Fixed fee from



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Frequently asked questions

The nature of cyber crime cases is that evidence is often held on electronic devices. This can mean that there may be delays in returning devices. Devices may not be returned if they have material which is private, illegal or can be used to commit fraud. If items belong to friends, family or an employer, investigators may agree to release them early or prioritise them for being screened early.

The question of whether a person is going to be charged with an offence depends on a number of factors. The seriousness of the allegation, the strength of the evidence, and the age of the person are probably the three biggest factors but other aspects could be taken into consideration, such as whether the person has ever been in trouble before. If you think you may be investigated or charged with an offence, the best course of action is to take immediate legal advice from a specialist cyber crime lawyer.

A temptation during the investigation stage of a cyber crime case can be to try to keep family members out of the case by making early admissions, even before the evidence has been provided. This isn’t the best strategy in a criminal case. Prosecutors will usually charge individuals based on the evidence they have, not whether someone else will take responsibility. The best path is to make sure you and family are represented by good cyber crime or internet crime lawyers so that your are all properly protected.

Whether or not a person goes to prison, depends on several factors. Age, seriousness of the offence, the strength of the evidence, and any mitigation such as having no previous convictions, can all make a difference. Don’t forget that nobody can go to prison unless they are either convicted after a trial or plead guilty. An accusation is not enough on its own.

If your case is one involving theft or fraud for a financial amount or one which has resulted in financial loss to somebody, then there is a possibility of confiscation proceedings, only if you are convicted, having pleaded guilty or after a trial where you’re found guilty. That doesn’t mean you will necessarily lose your home, but it can mean that you are subject to a financial penalty after the case under the Proceeds of Crime Act. You should take advice on this rather than assume that this will definitely happen. Proceeds of Crime proceedings do not happen after every criminal case.

A cyber crime case does not have a specific length. Cyber crime cases can range from an interview with police over a tweet all the way to hacking into a government computer system. Clearly, the second of those examples is more complex and will take longer to resolve. The most technical cases can take two or three years before a decision is made whether they will reach a court. It can then be another year or two waiting if there is a trial. This is of course the extreme. Many cases are dealt with in a matter of weeks or months.

An illustration of a man, who is leaning with his back on a huge blue question mark
An illustraion of a man leaning on a big blue phone, a big envelop for background, paper plane flying in the sky

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Monday - Thursday: 9:00 - 17:30

Friday: 9:00 - 17:00

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