Being accused of being part of a fake investment scheme means a long and slow investigation. These schemes take many forms and can be extremely complicated. Our specialist criminal solicitors can help you make sense of the situation.

You may find yourself wrapped up in a criminal investigation, along with others, when all you did was legitimately invest your own money into something that you thought would pay off.

We defend in these cases and work tirelessly to get them dropped at an early stage, sometimes pre-charge, or to guide you through the entire process to achieve the best result.

Recent success stories

Cambridge Analytica/Facebook Case - No Charges

Investigation discontinued with no further action

Buckingham Palace Bribery & Corruption Case - Acquitted

Not guilty verdict - client exonerated

Genuine investors can be made to look like criminals

New investment opportunities can be exciting for potential investors. So, when a new cryptocurrency or company begins trading, many investors will want to get on board early. When it becomes apparent that the investment scheme is a scam, genuine investors can be made to look as though they knew all along.

Unexpectedly, a legitimate investor could now be the subject of a criminal investigation into alleged fraud. The law relating to investment schemes is complicated and it can be difficult to know where to turn. If you have never been involved with the criminal justice system before it is unlikely that you will know any specialist fake investment scheme lawyers.

Fake investment scheme cases are difficult to understand

These cases are often complicated. Investigators can have a difficult time separating genuine investors from those who set up illegitimate investment schemes. As a result, you may be dragged in simply by being connected to it.

The complex nature of the law can make it hard to understand exactly what you are accused of and how you can properly defend yourself. The preparation of these cases requires specialist knowledge of fake investment schemes. Most lawyers are not specialists.

Without the right advice and representation, it can be difficult to show the police or prosecutors that you weren't involved. Having the right assistance at the earliest stages is essential to achieving the right result.

Expert lawyers can make all the difference in your case and guide you

Having the right team behind you could be the difference between an investigation being dropped or being charged with an offence and going to court. If you have already been charged, instructing experts for your trial can be crucial in ensuring that you have the best chance at being found not guilty.

In such an uncertain time, having expert representation to take the weight of the case is not only beneficial to you, but to family members and loved ones who can sometimes become entangled in the investigation or court case. They will often experience the same stresses as you because they feel you are not getting the help that you need.

Instructing someone who knows the law and can explain your case to you and your family in a way that you understand will help you build your case properly.

Our expert fake investment scheme lawyers will take care of everything

As specialist fake investment scheme lawyers, we know what needs to be done and we do not wait for the prosecution. We are dedicated to analysing and challenging their evidence. We regularly instruct the best experts to carry out an objective analysis of all elements of your case.

We will ensure that the law is explained to you in a way you understand, without the need for legal jargon that often accompanies these cases.

We work with leading barristers who specialise in this area and who will work closely with any experts. The result is a hand-picked specialist defence team fighting your corner.

There are things you can do right now to help your case

  • Call one of our expert investment scheme lawyers and start building your defence.

  • Ensure that you back up all of your data. This can be particularly relevant when it comes to trading history and being able to show that you are a legitimate investor. If you think you might be the subject of an investigation, make sure you save and back up all of this data.

  • Don't say anything to the police about the allegation or case details without a lawyer present. Do not fall into the trap of thinking the prosecutor is your friend.

  • Book an appointment with your GP if you are struggling. These cases can have a massive effect on your mental and physical health. If this is the case, book an appointment with a medical professional.

No-tricks fixed-fee pricing

We can usually offer a fixed fee instalment plan so you can plan for the expense, and so you can fund your case in stages while it is continuing.

Private representation

Once we have an idea of what kind of case you are facing and what work that will be necessary, we will then be able to provide you with a fixed fee quote. This means that you know before you commit how much your case will cost.

Representation at interview or court hearings
Analysing the evidence & investigating
Conferences with your lawyers
Negotiating with police or prosecutors

Fixed fee from



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Frequently asked questions

With cases involving fake investment schemes, it will often be the case that electronic devices are seized from your home when you are arrested. These will need to be reviewed by a forensic team to see whether they contain any evidential material.

If they contain evidential material, it is unlikely that you will get these devices back until the conclusion of the case. However, if certain devices contain no such material, we may be able to apply to the police or prosecution in order to get them back to you.

It is a myth that those accused of a crime must prove their innocence. In fact, it is the opposite and it is for the prosecution to prove that you are guilty, beyond all reasonable doubt.

You may be concerned about how you can help yourself when you legitimately invested in a scheme and the so-called paper trail should prove this. It is not as simple as this and the wider context of why and how you invested is crucial. There are other factors which may assist you, such as letters from professionals and colleagues that comment on your character if you have no previous convictions.

In the UK, fraud and cybercrime investigations typically take a minimum of one year from start to finish. They can last even longer than this. Police and other agencies often consult outside experts and professionals to help build their case. Their evidence usually includes a lot of digital material from seized devices and financial records from third parties such as your bank.

If you have been on bail or under investigation for some time, you can probably already gauge that the above work takes a long time. There may also be other people under investigation and their devices may also be downloaded.

The case could move more quickly if you are charged and court proceedings begin, but it is still likely to be many months before your case concludes.

Anyone you have discussed the investment scheme with may be spoken to by the police but it does not mean that they will be charged or sent to court. However, prosecutors will usually take a cynical view if they believe they have grounds to prove it was a fake scheme.

If you or a friend/family member are in this position, you need specialist advice from our investment scheme solicitors.

An illustration of a man, who is leaning with his back on a huge blue question mark
An illustraion of a man leaning on a big blue phone, a big envelop for background, paper plane flying in the sky

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