Being accused of harming your child will probably be the worst thing you ever have to face, but you don't have to do it alone.

A child non-accidental injury case can tear families apart and often you cannot see a way through, especially when the police will likely have medical evidence supporting their case.

However, medical evidence is open to interpretation. Our specialist child non-accidental injury solicitors are not afraid to instruct experts from around the world to help offer an alternative explanation.

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Child non-accidental injury cases can tear families apart

A child head injury investigation often starts from something innocent. Your child might be at school, or the doctors, and a professional points out a mark or injury. The opposite end of the spectrum is when a child dies or is seriously injured. More often than not, the police automatically look at the parents and point fingers.

Will I go to prison? Will the police take my other children away? Why are social services involved? These questions keep people up at night and often it's because someone has never been involved with the police before.

The effect on families can be a real burden while this is going on. Other children can be affected with constant disruption to their normal life.

Police pick and choose medical evidence which suits them

The main reason non-accidental head injury cases are scary is because people don't know how to fight the evidence before them, especially if they've never been in trouble.

Family members, often other parents or partners, want to help but they don't know where to find help. It can be more difficult when a child is seriously injured or dies, as the police have blinkers on and do not want to listen to your side of the story.

Police can be assuming, biased and led by medical evidence, which is not always as it seems. However, some inexperienced lawyers can fall into the trap of being pessimistic. Most people facing this situation don't even know that finding a specialist non-accidental head injury solicitor is not only possible, but essential.

There is a way to fight it and it starts with having the right lawyers

You don't have to feel pressured to accept certain evidence. Having specialist non-accidental head injury solicitors can help you understand what evidence you can fight.

Child non-accidental injury lawyers start by listening to you and your family about what really happened. However, you may not know what happened. They won't just rush to judgement like the police or even other lawyers have done.

A good child non-accidental injury lawyer will scope out possible experts from around the world to take a second look at things. They talk you through all of this and together you make a plan of action to provide an alternative for the police, CPS or jury, depending on where you are in the process.

Our expert non-accidental injury lawyers can help get you through this

Our non-accidental head injury solicitors have been defending these cases for decades. These are specialist cases which require a certain level of skill to get the right result and they require a high level of dedication.

We refuse to simply accept assumptions made about you based on medical evidence. A head injury does not mean child abuse. A broken bone, bleeding around the eyes or head do not mean child abuse. There are experts who understand that these injuries aren't always proof of abuse.

You need the right solicitors to speak to these people. We will do this at an early stage if you are under investigation or for the jury at court. We will instruct a specialist barrister to represent you. These cases cannot be dealt with by anyone.

Do's and Don'ts if you're worried about a child head injury case

  • Call us now and speak to one of our expert non-accidental head injuries in children lawyers. We don't charge for a meeting and there's no obligation.

  • Don't despair at what you read online. Every case is different and evidence is not always as it seems, even if it's from a professional expert.

  • Don't at any point contact the police except through your lawyers. Do not trust the police liaison officer.

  • Don't speak to anyone who may be suspected.

  • Do make sure anyone else has a lawyer, and consider whether two different firms of solicitors are needed. We can make the recommendation if we can't help.

  • Do go to your GP if you're having problems with anxiety or sleep.

  • Accept that Social Services will likely be involved with the case until its end.

No-tricks fixed-fee pricing

We can usually offer a fixed fee instalment plan so you can plan for the expense, and so you can fund your case in stages while it is continuing.

Private representation

Once we have an idea of what kind of case you are facing and what work that will be necessary, we will then be able to provide you with a fixed fee quote. This means that you know before you commit how much your case will cost.

Representation at interview or court hearings
Analysing the evidence & investigating
Conferences with your lawyers
Negotiating with police or prosecutors

Fixed fee from



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Frequently asked questions

We are all encouraged to take advice from professionals because we trust the experts. However, in a case like this, there is a growing number of experts who are willing to speak out against the many and offer their opinion on certain matters. For example, the police only instruct particular experts who they know will always suggest a broken bone, bleed on the brain and bleeding behind the eyes mean that child was abused.

However, we speak to experts from around the world who do not necessarily agree with this and instruct them to prepare reports and give evidence in your defence. This is a complex process and many people are not willing to do it.

Medicine is not a science, it is open to interpretation and this is something we are not afraid to pursue.

There is no set answer to this but it will take many months, possibly a few years from the time of any incident to its conclusion in court. This is because medical evidence is not straightforward and many experts are based around the world. This takes time.

The police usually contact social services when a child suffers a supposed injury. They will probably make life difficult for you at the start of the investigation but we ensure that any restrictions or conditions on you seeing your other children are minimal. If they are not necessary, we will argue this at court.

Like any other investigation, the police are entitled to seize your belongings if they are relevant to the case. Things such as phones, iPads and clothing may be relevant in a case like this. The police will be searching for anything which might assist them in trying to show you are guilty. Anything that is seized, we will ensure they are also looked at by a defence expert and that the police have done things properly.

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An illustraion of a man leaning on a big blue phone, a big envelop for background, paper plane flying in the sky

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