An accusation of rape is toxic, but you don’t have to be its victim.

Rape is such a loaded word that the accusation on its own can be terribly destructive. You do not have to feel helpless in this situation. Having specialist rape solicitors to advise and defend you can help you feel supported and optimistic about the outcome.

The Police and CPS don’t have the last word in these cases, and we make sure that it is clear from the beginning that if they bring the case, they will meet serious opposition from expert rape lawyers.

Rape affects accused people and families in many different ways

Being accused of rape can cause huge distress. Once someone points a finger, it can feel like your whole personality is being attacked, not to mention your liberty and reputation.

It can also be a major shock to find yourself not believed by police officers who can seem to act on the basis that you're guilty even if they know nothing of what has gone on. Men, many of them young and naive, often find themselves unprepared to deal with the criminal justice system.

There is a fear of publicity and what that could do to career prospects, especially if the person is a regulated professional. People also sometimes have fears of being socially excluded just because of the allegation.

The sense of injustice and violation caused by a false accusation adds to the stress. Not even feeling able to express anger at what's happening can seem like the final insult.

Even after a person's name is cleared, the damage can be long lasting, both to a person’s reputation and even his or her mental health.

Some people are in denial about false allegations

There is a national media obsession with rape cases. The criminal justice system is under attack for falling conviction rates, and the government response has been bringing in targets for numbers of people convicted, not improving investigations.

This all means that for some people false allegations is an off-limits subject. But it is a fact that negative relationships and damaged individuals are often starting points for allegations that are simply made up. There is such a thing as a false allegation, and there is such a thing as an accused person who is vulnerable to a malicious claim of rape. 

In this strange atmosphere, an accused person often keeps the allegation secret, which creates more stress. If friends and family do know about what's going on, they might want to help, but it’s not always clear how they can help. On the other hand, the police and CPS can seem to think that 'can we get a conviction' is a more important question to ask than whether the allegation is even true.

Rape solicitors tackle the problem logically to give you piece of mind

Common sense and reason will start to replace panic and despair if you get proactive rape solicitors on your side.

Having the right advice and representation can stop the nonsense from turning into a conviction. The question 'why would this person be lying?' is a trap which can be overcome. In rape cases, as in all criminal law, it has never been up to an accused person to second guess a liar.

When the truth is told in the right way by experienced rape solicitors, the police and the CPS should stop, listen and be persuaded. If they don't see sense, specialist rape solicitors can present your case so that the jury see the truth.

Expert rape solicitors will work actively for your innocence, instead of standing by as the case progresses. Proactive means: full investigation of the evidence and searching for points to attack, including inconsistencies in different accounts, the timelines, the motives, and all message records.

Having us on your side can turn things back in your favour

If you call our specialist rape solicitors, the feeling that your case is just drifting along will end. 'Expert rape solicitors' doesn’t just mean skilled rape lawyers, but also a proactive approach.

We start by listening to you to understand what has actually happened, not just what the police suspect. We obtain your file and we do a full analysis before setting out a plan to improve the situation.

Then we go on the offensive. This means targeted pressure so that the case is stopped or won. It starts with the police and CPS, who will quickly understand that you’re well represented and the case will be fought if they continue.

If it gets to court, we prepare for a fight. We assemble a top team of expert rape solicitors and barrister so that you go into court feeling confident. We present your character so positively that it becomes clear that the allegation doesn't make sense.

Innocent people often feel like they're a victim of the system. We want our clients to feel back in control.

Some important do's and don’ts in a rape case

  • Do confide in a trusted friend or family member. Support and good advice in this difficult situation is an absolutely necessity.

  • Do call us and speak to one of our specialist rape solicitors. We can usually see you within 24 hours, sometimes even the same day.

  • Don’t bury your head in the sand. Facing the problem head-on you can deal with it. 

  • Don’t assume that all lawyers are experts. Make sure you use a firm with experienced rape solicitors.

  • Don’t feel defeated or lose hope. These cases often seem most difficult to face near the beginning.

  • Don’t post anything about the case on social media.

  • Don’t have any direct or indirect contact with the complainant. There may be exceptions if you need to get belongings or share custody of children.

  • Don’t assume the police are there to help and it will work out if you let it run its course. Justice works for proactive people.

  • If you’re having trouble with sleeping or mental health, go to your GP. You don’t have to disclose what has happened.

No-tricks fixed-fee pricing

We can usually offer a fixed fee instalment plan so you can plan for the expense, and so you can fund your case in stages while it is continuing.

Private representation

Once we have an idea of what kind of case you are facing and what work that will be necessary, we will then be able to provide you with a fixed fee quote. This means that you know before you commit how much your case will cost.

Representation at interview or court hearings
Analysing the evidence & investigating
Conferences with your lawyers
Negotiating with police or prosecutors

Fixed fee from



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Frequently asked questions

The police are human beings with prejudices and failings. They also spend their time being suspicious and following through on those suspicions. That’s their job, and it sometimes means they fall into the trap of suspecting everybody, but that doesn’t mean you’ll be charged or convicted. The CPS, not the police, decide whether a person is charged with rape.

The jury is not allowed to decide you are guilty of rape unless they are sure that you did it. That usually means that more than just one person’s word is needed to convict you. They will look at all the circumstances. Is there a history of violence? Is there any other evidence which makes it more likely the person is guilty?

This is a good question, and it is the reason that many rape cases which the CPS decide to charge end up with a not guilty verdict. If you are frustrated by the fact that police or the CPS are treating the case against you as credible when it is not supported by evidence, remember that the jury will likely want more than just the complainant’s word.

Only if you plead guilty or if you're found guilty by a jury. It's quite rare for someone to avoid prison for a rape offence if convicted unless there are special circumstances related to mental health or if the person is a youth.

If you're convicted you will have to sign the register and follow 'notification requirements'. This means the police will know your address and you will have to tell them if you travel abroad. It doesn't mean that neighbours will immediately be able to access your criminal record. It’s probably worth bearing in mind that the police know where most people live, and can find out quite easily if we leave the country via an airport.

In the UK sentences for rape vary. At one end of the spectrum, a rape of a stranger with a threat of violence can attract a sentence of over ten years, as can rape of a vulnerable person. A rape where two partners were already in a sexual relationship might result in a much lower sentence of 2-3 years. Non-custodial sentences might be considered where the perpetrator is a youth or suffered from a relevant mental condition which affected understanding. Sentencing in these cases is not straightforward. We recommend getting in touch with a specialist rape solicitor for advice.

An illustration of a man, who is leaning with his back on a huge blue question mark
An illustraion of a man leaning on a big blue phone, a big envelop for background, paper plane flying in the sky

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