Our sexual communications solicitors know the stress faced by clients and their families

A Sexual Communications allegation can be life-changing. A knock on the door from the police at dawn is shocking, especially if partners and children are at home.

But an investigation doesn't have to be the end. Getting the right help early can really make the difference. Even in the face of strong evidence, early intervention can help you and your family understand that prison can be avoided.

Recent success stories

Suspended Sentence for Sexual Communications

Non-custodial sentence - no prison

Not Guilty verdict - Sexual Communications with a child

Not guilty verdict - client exonerated

Sexual communications cases can turn lives upside down

Most people accused of sexual communications with a child have never had any contact with the police. This can make them and their families feel stigmatised and alone, even if they have done nothing wrong.

For people accused of these offences, the shame, embarrassment and fear for their family's future can often make the smallest steps seem impossible.

In some cases, the police will impose strict bail conditions meaning clients cannot live at home or have any unsupervised contact with their own children, even if the evidence is weak. In these cases, social services might be involved, pushing families further apart.

The fear of not knowing what to expect can make people feel even worse about their situation.

Embarrasment and naivety make these cases difficult to deal with

The shame of any allegation of sexual communication with a child can mean people often feel unable to speak to anyone about it, or even seek specialist help.

For most people in this situation, the fact that they haven't had contact with the police in the past may mean they feel the urge to "help" by telling them everything they think they need to know, which is of course not the right approach.

Many people accused of these offences are successful and used to having control over their lives. To lose that control can be a frightening experience.

The law often feels vague and confusing and understanding where a line has been crossed can be hard to grasp.

Getting the right advice now can really help

Just picking up the phone and talking to a specialist lawyer can help to relieve the burden, and be an important first step to improving things.

Even though the ordeal of an investigation and being accused can feel like the end, especially when the police have told you they think you're guilty, you should always remember an allegation is not the same as an offence being proved.

An experienced sexual communications solicitor can help prevent you being convicted, and in a lot of cases even reach court.

When you're well represented by an experienced criminal solicitor, you won't feel like a passenger in your own case. You'll actually feel like you're part of a team working to solve the problem.

Our specialist solicitors can make the difference

When you contact us, the first thing you will become aware of is that you are valued, believed and respected. We start by listening to you, and we do this in a non-judgmental way, of course confidentially. This way we can fully appreciate what your case is and understand what you need.

We help you take control of the narrative early on. The right advice at the police station can make the difference. Our sexual communications solicitors can also help family members understand what's going on if that would help.

We don't accept evidence at face value. Where there are opportunities to try to stop a case we will find them. If it's already at court we'll fight for you, even if the case seems strong.

We don't simply defend you, we support you.

What should or shouldn't I do right now?

Don't suffer in silence. Remember, you shouldn't deal with this alone. Our team of specialist lawyers are on hand to guide you through the trickiest cases. Also speak to your family if you can.

Don't think this is the end, it isn't. It might mean thinking about a change of career, home, or relationship, but it certainly isn't something you have to carry for the rest of your life.

See your GP if you think you need additional support. Talking confidentially to your GP can really help and provide further support options.

Only speak to the police through your lawyers. The police are not your friends in this situation, and what you say to them is always noted down as evidence.

No-tricks fixed-fee pricing

We can usually offer a fixed fee instalment plan so you can plan for the expense, and so you can fund your case in stages while it is continuing.

Private representation

Once we have an idea of what kind of case you are facing and what work that will be necessary, we will then be able to provide you with a fixed fee quote. This means that you know before you commit how much your case will cost.

Representation at interview or court hearings
Analysing the evidence & investigating
Conferences with your lawyers
Negotiating with police or prosecutors

Fixed fee from



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Frequently Asked Questions

If you are convicted of an offence it is very likely that your digital device will be destroyed - if it contained illegal material. You have the opportunity to request access to recover personal files such as family photographs or work documents.

If the device is "clean" it should be returned to you at the conclusion of the case/investigation

The police have the power to disclose allegations to employers if they feel it is in the public interest to do so. If they are planning on doing it they will usually tell you in writing and give you or your lawyers an opportunity to argue against it.

It is not the usual and most often employers are not told.

An illustration of a man, who is leaning with his back on a huge blue question mark
An illustraion of a man leaning on a big blue phone, a big envelop for background, paper plane flying in the sky

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0161 794 0088

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Monday - Thursday: 9:00 - 17:30

Friday: 9:00 - 17:00

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