
Samantha Smart

Sam is the administrator responsible for coordinating our investigation cases, whether they are police station attendances or cases being brought by other agencies. She also assists other colleagues in our Admin Department.

Profile image of Mary Monson Solicitors employee Samantha Smart
Profile image of Mary Monson Solicitors employee Samantha Smart
An illustraion of a man leaning on a big blue phone, a big envelop for background, paper plane flying in the sky

Contact information

Multiple locations

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Call us

0161 794 0088

Office openings

Monday - Thursday: 9:00 - 17:30

Friday: 9:00 - 17:00

Send us a confidential message

We'll get back to you as soon as possible. We are happy to speak to you if you have a query, and either have a free consultation on the phone or in person if necessary.