Client Receives Fine for Assaulting Police Officer

Date posted: 31 Jan 2024
Police Station
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Case start date
16 May 2023
Case study summary
Our client was charged with assaulting an emergency worker - a serious offence which carries the potential for a prison sentence. We reviewed the evidence and successfully persuaded the prosecution to reduce the charge to the lesser offence of battery. Our client received a fine.
Case study
Our 20-year old client was charged with assaulting a police officer. He lived in London but he had visited his friend in Manchester in order to celebrate his birthday. At the end of their evening, our client and his friends went to buy food from a takeaway. He was approached by police officers outside of the takeaway, who asked him to show them what was in his pockets. Our client did not believe that he was doing anything wrong so he refused. He was then arrested and, during the arrest, he was accused of punching a police officer in the face.
Our client was charged with assaulting an emergency worker. This is a serious offence which could potentially result in a prison sentence and so, he and his mother contacted us and asked us to represent him. They explained that our client had no previous convictions and they hoped that we could prevent a custodial sentence.
We obtained the case papers from the prosecution and requested the officer’s body worn video footage. From the footage, it was clear that our client had not intentionally punched the police officer in the face, however, his actions were reckless as he could be seen to be trying to push the officers away from him as they attempted to arrest him.
In court, one of our expert defence lawyers discussed the matter with the prosecution lawyer. We explained that our client was of good character and argued that the offence should be reduced from one of intentionally assaulting an emergency worker to reckless battery. Battery is a lesser offence and this would significantly reduce the risk of him receiving a prison sentence. The prosecution lawyer agreed.
Once our client’s case was called into court, he pleaded guilty to battery. We then successfully persuaded the court to impose a financial penalty so that the matter could be resolved that day and our client could put the matter behind him. Our client and his mother were extremely pleased with the result.

Jamie Dickson
Apprentice Solicitor
Jamie is an apprentice solicitor and represents clients at the police station. She also assists with the preparation of cases in the Magistrates’ Court and Crown Court with offences ranging from harassment to murder. Jamie’s clients describe her as professional and caring.

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