Indecent Images Client Receives Community Order

Non-custodial sentence - no prison

Date posted: 22 Mar 2024



Crown Court

Our lawyers have a 72% win rate

Read case study
Case start date

01 Jul 2023



Case study summary

Our client was charged with three counts of possession of indecent images of children. Our client admitted guilt and mitigation was put forward on his behalf, resulting in a sentence of a community order.

Case study

Our Client came to us in February 2022 requiring representation at a voluntary interview in relation to a police investigation into possession of indecent images of children. He was alleged to have been in possession of 54 images of categories A, B and C. On our advice, the client put forward a prepared statement denying his knowledge of these images.

Our client was eventually charged regardless and wished to change his plea to guilty. His mitigation was expertly prepared and put forward by our specialist lawyers. Our client cares for his father, who has limited mobility, and his nephew, who has cerebral palsy. The court recognised that a custodial sentence would be inappropriate in this case and instead sentenced him to a community order requiring participation in a sex offenders treatment programme and unpaid work hours.

This mitigation saw him receive a non-custodial sentence of a community order for these offences, in spite of his previous caution for sexual communications with a child.

Now that this case has finally come to an end, our client can begin to rebuild his life.

Lucy joined the firm in November 2023. She read Law at the University of Lancaster and has recently completed a Masters’ in legal practice with an emphasis on criminal law at the University of Law. Lucy has also passed her Solicitors Qualifying Examinations. She is committed to getting the right result for her clients.

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