No Further Action for Indecent Images Client

Investigation discontinued with no further action

Date posted: 30 Jun 2023



Police Station

Our lawyers have a 72% win rate

Read case study
Case start date

06 Apr 2023



Case study summary

Our client was accused of having indecent images and engaging in sexual communications with a child. This was an investigation which included Family Court proceedings. After complaining about the police's approach to the investigation, they decided to take no further action.

Case study

Our client was a family orientated man who was devastatingly accused of possessing indecent images and engaging in sexual communications with a child. This was not a case involving an undercover police officer.

There were ongoing Family Court proceedings when our client came to us and asked us to take over the police investigation. Several third party agencies were involved.

The investigation was extensive and involved device analysis, forensic examination and interviewing the child. The case was even closed and reopened.

After attending the police interview with our client, liaising with all agencies and lodging a formal complaint about the police's handling of this case, they decided to take no further action on all fronts.

Our client's life was turned upside down by these allegations. He is immensely grateful for our assistance and can now get back to his family.

Profile image of Mary Monson Solicitors criminal lawyer Nicola Tyers

Nicola Tyers


Nicola is a Solicitor in our Head Office and defends cases all over the UK. She is experienced in Fraud, Serious Crime, and Sexual Offences. Nicola always treats her clients with sensitivity and care.

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