A Fraud Act case can feel overwhelming. We can bring back your confidence.

A fraud allegation can cause shock, frustration and fear. The case can seem to go on forever, and dealing with it can be a constant burden.

Our Fraud Act solicitors know how to get you through it. We listen to you, we put together a plan so that your story gets heard and we execute that plan - with top solicitors, specialist fraud barristers and top forensic experts all working to get the result you need.

Recent success stories

Client Guilty of Benefit Fraud Avoids Prison

Non-custodial sentence - no prison

No Further Action for Youth Accused of Fraud

No further action - police dropped investigation

A fraud accusation is something which changes your life

Being accused of fraud can be shocking and stressful. Finding out that your past is under the microscope is unnerving. Many people can't believe it has happened to them and that they have been dragged into a criminal case. The shock often gives way to anger and worry.

There can be sleepless nights worrying about what will happen. Will I be convicted? Who will provide for my family? Will I lose my house or assets? These unanswered questions can make it all seem worse.

The long periods of waiting for progress in a Fraud Act case can be another burden. Investigators may be quick to accuse you but are often slow in investigating fully.

These cases are daunting because they often involve large sums of money, they're complex and they involve many pages of evidence.

Fraud Act cases also often start because of something that happened at work. Just the allegation can result in a person being suspended or even dismissed, which is especially bad if the person is a regulated professional.

Most people aren't prepared to deal with the situation

People often wrongly assume that it's best to just trust the police. Sadly investigators often take the view that if your name is on documents you must be guilty, but it's hard to explain exactly what was going on years ago without the original records to help you.

Fraud cases often involve more defendants and allegations of conspiracy. This can mean a person is at risk of being blamed for the actions of others, even if he or she didn’t know what had been going on.

The amounts of money involved are also often large. This means cases are often well prosecuted.

People can feel like fish out of water. The idea of going to court can be scary. The complexity of the case can make it harder to share what's going on with friends and family.

These cases also often come out of a business failure or personal falling out, which can leave a very bad taste.

Things can seem to go from bad to worse as they progress. Without a specialist fraud act solicitor steering you through, this can seem endless.

Having Fraud Act solicitors in your corner can give you an advantage

You don't have to feel as if the weight of the Fraud Act is coming down on you and you can't stop it. Specialist help from lawyers with the right experience is available.

If you get Fraud Act solicitors to help you, they first open dialogue with police and prosecutors, making it clear that you must be treated properly. This means no interview bully tactics, full disclosure and transparency from the prosecution, and a fair approach to the case.

Your lawyers will obtain the evidence to understand what the case is really about. They ask you for your take on things, and they put together a strategy to beat the case.

This means aggressive negotiation on your behalf to get the case stopped or discontinued, while still preparing for trial, and being ready to fight with full force if the case gets that far.

Lawyers experienced in Fraud Act cases will assemble the right defence team. This means having a specialist barrister for court, and financial expert witnesses analysing the evidence.

You'll see straight away that we know exactly what steps to take

Our Fraud Act Solicitors defend complex fraud and financial crime cases throughout England and Wales, and we know what it takes to get the result.

First, we listen. When we understand how you see the case, we can use our expertise to create a strategy to win.

We then start work. This means going through the evidence in detail, finding evidence which helps your case and damages the prosecution case. You'll have regular meetings with your solicitors and barristers. You'll see a team that's tough on the opposition. But for Fraud Act solicitors to be successful, clients also need to commit to work hard.

Once we start, we're contactable, and also accountable to you for what we have promised.

Our goal is for you to feel your case going in a positive direction with you at the centre. As the case progresses some of the worry will be replaced by calmness. If the case reaches court we make sure you have the best prepared legal team in court, and that everything has been done, with zero regrets.

Things you can do to improve the situation if you're accused of fraud

Call us and have a private consultation with one of our specialist Fraud Act lawyers. We won't charge you for it, and we'll help you understand your case.

Gather your emails and any other records such as text messages which may help. Make notes if you're worried about not remembering things, and mark them 'for my solicitors' so they are kept confidential.

Don't despair. With the right help, these cases often don't end in conviction.

Do research and find a specialist Fraud Act solicitor to defend you. This is a technical area of law. Using a criminal lawyer because they're local or recommended by a friend may not be the best strategy.

Don't assume investigators or police are on your side. They may seem friendly or even sympathetic, but they would not be contacting you unless they already had made a decision that you are a suspect.

Don't try and settle direct with complainants without taking legal advice. These approaches need to be coordinated or they can have dangerous consequences.

No-tricks fixed-fee pricing

We can usually offer a fixed fee instalment plan so you can plan for the expense, and so you can fund your case in stages while it is continuing.

Private representation

Once we have an idea of what kind of case you are facing and what work that will be necessary, we will then be able to provide you with a fixed fee quote. This means that you know before you commit how much your case will cost.

Representation at interview or court hearings
Analysing the evidence & investigating
Conferences with your lawyers
Negotiating with police or prosecutors

Fixed fee from



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Frequently asked questions

Fraud is a word generally used to describe (usually financial) crime committed with dishonesty. Fraud in the Fraud Act usually means either telling a lie or making a false statement, failing to disclose something when you have a duty to, or abusing a position you have, such as when you are an employee or a paid advisor, for a financial gain.

Fraud can happen by omission or by failing to act to protect somebody's interest when you have a duty to, but only if not doing the thing that could result in someone else's loss was done dishonestly. People can also be guilty of conspiracy to commit an offence under the Fraud Act. This could mean that they assisted or encouraged a fraud even if they weren't the main party, but they would have to have known about the fact that it was a fraud.

First of all you have to be charged with an offence, and then you either have to plead guilty or the prosecution has to prove you committed the offence beyond reasonable doubt. Only then will a judge decide whether to send someone to prison. That will depend on a number of factors, such as the amount of money gained, lost or put at risk, the role of the person in the case (was he or she the main organiser of the fraud or less significant), and the personal circumstances of the defendant. Most people investigated for fraud do not end up in prison. Take legal advice from a properly qualified Fraud Act solicitor specific to your case rather than read random cases online, as tempting as that can seem.

Your assets may be restrained if you are charged with an offence, but your assets cannot be forfeited unless you are convicted, which means pleading guilty or being found guilty in court. Even then, the court's powers to confiscate the proceeds of crime are limited to the actual level of financial benefit.

Solicitors and barristers use independent experts to make points in court about technical things that they are not qualified to speak on. This might include evidence from a forensic accountant who explains where money from a fraud has ended up, or a computer expert who retrieves deleted files which are evidence for the defence or prosecution.

An illustration of a man, who is leaning with his back on a huge blue question mark
An illustraion of a man leaning on a big blue phone, a big envelop for background, paper plane flying in the sky

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Monday - Thursday: 9:00 - 17:30

Friday: 9:00 - 17:00

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