Client Accused of ABH and Strangulation - Case Dropped

Case discontinued by the prosecution

Date posted: 30 Apr 2024



Crown Court

Our lawyers have a 72% win rate

Read case study
Case start date

12 Aug 2022



Case study summary

Our client was a professional man of good character who had pleaded not guilty to seven charges of assault and domestic violence. We prepared a robust defence, including a 63 page trial bundle. The CPS dropped the case and our client's good name was preserved.

Case study

Our first involvement in this case was not with our client but his business associated. Having been remanded following an altercation with his partner, he sought the help of his associate to find specialist defence lawyers. We were contacted and made arrangements to see our client right away.

From the very first meeting, it was clear that our client did not belong in a prison. A self-made entrepreneur, he was visibly defeated by what he described as a toxic relationship. He told us about the lavish lifestyle he had provided his partner but also the difficult times that they shared. It was evident that these two people should not be together. Despite the toxicity, our client was adamant he never meant to hurt anyone.

Before we turned to preparing for trial, we knew we needed to get our client released from prison. Over the next days, we worked tirelessly to get him home. We were able to locate a security who would provided £50,000 on his release, we drafted a comprehensive bail application and had the matter listed before Southwark Crown Court. While our application was successful our work was not over. Our client could not be released until his passports were surrendered. Knowing this was the only thing standing in the way, we went to HMP Wormwood Scrubs, personally collected his passports and handed them into the police. Later that evening, our client was home safely.

Now the real work began. This was a case that played out over social media and text messages. Every fight and every make up was documented between them. So, we requested the full download of our client's phone and reviewed over 50,000 pages of texts messages. As a result, we were able to produce a 63 page trial bundle which portrayed the reality of this situation. Our client had not been assaulting his partner. Rather, he had been protecting her from harming herself when she had made several attempts on her life.

We were confident in our defence and provided the prosecution with our bundle ahead of time. Our view was that this would give them serious thought to re-consider their prosecution. Part of this process required them to consult with the complainant who was understandably concerned by the truths that had been unearthed. Such concern meant that by the first day of the trial, she no longer supported the prosecution and the entire case was dropped.

After what had been a grueling year of trawling through supporting evidence, the truth was finally clear for all to see and our client was able to sustain his good character.

Profile image of Mary Monson Solicitors criminal lawyer Caitlin Watson-Scoley

Caitlin joined the firm in 2021 and has undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in law. She works in our London office on serious criminal and fraud cases. She is motivated by the chance of providing support and guidance to clients who often need it.

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