Client Receives Community Order for Indecent Images.

Non-custodial sentence - no prison

Date posted: 22 Mar 2024



Magistrates Court

Our lawyers have a 72% win rate

Read case study
Case start date

01 Dec 2022



Case study summary

Our client was charged with possession of 12 indecent images in December 2023, over a year and a half after these images had been viewed. Our client pleaded guilty and received a low-level community order.

Case study

Our Client was invited to a voluntary interview at a police station in December 2022, after being accused of viewing 12 Category C indecent images of children in February 2021. He was subsequently charged in December 2023. He pleaded guilty and was sentenced in February 2024, three years after the offence was committed. We supported our client every step of the way throughout the three year process.

Our client entered a guilty plea to this offence, and our solicitor presented his mitigation to the court. He had been suffering from a serious pornography addiction at the time of this offence, brought about by the imposition of the nationwide coronavirus lockdown policy which had been detrimental to his mental health.

Our client had voluntarily undertaken and paid for courses to prevent this sort of reoffending and understand the harm he had caused. Our client was incredibly ashamed of his actions as he had formerly been employed as a police officer. This court process and its excessive duration had taken a serious mental toll on our client and his marriage but after 3 years he was finally able to have the matter resolved by way of a community resolution and move on with his life.

Lucy joined the firm in November 2023. She read Law at the University of Lancaster and has recently completed a Masters’ in legal practice with an emphasis on criminal law at the University of Law. Lucy has also passed her Solicitors Qualifying Examinations. She is committed to getting the right result for her clients.

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